“How Long & How Often Should I Water My Lawn?”
In the United States, there are 5 major climate zones. Georgia is located in Zone 3 along with most of the rest of the southeastern region. Because of this, watering and mowing are both year-round activities due to the type of grass here accumulating growth all year. So, when do you water and how long do you water your lawn for?
In order to water your lawn with maximum efficiency but without going overboard, you must know your lawn to its roots. You may have a completely different type of grass than your neighbor, meaning a whole separate set of watering practices. There are some general “rule of thumb’s” that you can follow to have what you envision as the lawn of your dreams.

What Time of Day Do I Water My Lawn?
The universal best time to give your lawn its primary dose of water is early in the morning between the hours of 5 and 6 A.M. This is because of the dew in the morning providing an extra layer of moisture to the lawn, while utilizing the cooler temperatures for less evaporation to occur directly after watering. On top oft hat, you will have to use less water total than if you were watering mid-day during intense sun.
How Often Do I Water My Lawn?
To know how often to water, there are a few aspects of your personal yard you must consider. If you have a sloped landscape as most of your lawn or even sections, that area won’t collect as much water as flatter, less inclined spots. The type of soil also plays a large role in determining the amount of water per square foot will be absorbed.
The best way to water your yard optimally is through a few tests and observations. One of the easiest to check soil composition is to stick a screw-driver straight through the grass and see if you can easily penetrate the soil, or if it is tough and dense like clay. Clay, Sand, and the in between “Loam” will absorb water differently. The idealistic root system for a healthy lawn should reach about 6 to 8 inches into the dirt for maximum water absorption and strength.
Once you know your soil, the next important aspect are your sprinklers, of course. A popular test to visualize the amount of water circulating through your sprinklers is to layout tuna cans, or small containers relatively the same size, and let your sprinklers run through a 20-minute cycle. Once complete, add all the containers depth’s together and divide by the total number of containers. If you multiply that number by 3 to represent an hour of watering, you will have your sprinkler’s water output per hour.
There are numerous ways that don’t all require that amount of math to measure your sprinklers, but make sure your coverage is adequate in the least. That will ensure a greener overall yard if you are consistent with your watering schedule. These tests will help you get to know your lawn and sprinkler system more as well as communicate to lawn care professionals any further questions or issues you need resolved.